#Lexi Freiman

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Lexi Freiman loves meditating, Houellebecq, and characters obsessed with their own goodness (or others' perception thereof). @emmaalpern wrote about her and her new novel, THE BOOK OF AYN (yes, THAT Ayn!) for @NYMag https://t.co/8dvX3Ujh8m
7 months ago

In Lexi Freiman's Books, It's So Easy to Be Wrong

Lexi Freiman's first novel didn't have the impact she expected, leading her to join a commune in Greece to learn unconventional meditation techniques.
Freiman's second novel, The Book of Ayn, explores themes of cancel culture and the criticism faced by a protagonist for her controversial book. [ more ]
7 months ago

In Lexi Freiman's Books, It's So Easy to Be Wrong

Lexi Freiman's first novel didn't have the impact she expected, leading her to join a commune in Greece to learn unconventional meditation techniques.
Freiman's second novel, The Book of Ayn, explores themes of cancel culture and the criticism faced by a protagonist for her controversial book. [ more ]
7 months ago

Lexi Freiman Talks 'The Book of Ayn'

Lexi Freiman's second novel, 'The Book of Ayn,' explores the polarizing figure of Ayn Rand and her fiercely libertarian philosophy.
The protagonist, Anna, takes a liking to Rand's philosophy after falling victim to cancel culture and the criticism of her work.
The novel satirizes the attention economy and explores themes of success, identity, reputation, and ego in the 21st century. [ more ]
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